By Court Young

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WANDERER is Court Young’s (better known as @carolina_poetry) first collection of poetry and prose. It follows Court’s journey of lust and love through the year of 2019 as she traveled to different places, both physically and metaphorically. This is a story of falling hard and learning to get back up again, and how the greatest love is yours. It will come to you.

Author Court Young

Court Young is a public health professional who has always loved reading and using her creative brain. An environmental health analyst by day, a writer by night, Court's writings have been featured in Thought Catalog, Unwritten, and on various poetry accounts.

Poetry is therapy for her, and she shares her writings with the world in the hopes that it will help others heal as well. When not frantically writing in her Notes app, Court is often found outside, exploring and wandering, or visiting new local coffee shops in her home state of North Carolina.

WANDERER is Court's first book, which describes her journey of love and lust in her young adult life. Follow along with her on Instagram: @carolina_poetry

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