Surreal Ecstasy

By Chrissy Moon

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Paperback Price: $11.69

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Morgan Constantina has taken ecstasy for the last time. She’s alone, been abused, and has no friends. Even her own mother thinks she’s evil.

But just as she’s on the brink of death, she makes friends with Dess, a strange, outspoken lesbian who reveals to Morgan the world of the God Generation – antiquated gods and goddesses who want to be in power again, and the angels and demons who are determined to keep the laws of the universe the way they are. They’ve been coming to Earth for decades, born as flesh-and-blood humans with unique powers.

And just when Morgan falls in love with a gorgeous, intelligent, considerate man, she finds out that he has a spiritual secret of his own.

Surreal Ecstasy is an inspiring story about the hope and strength we all have, deep within our souls, no matter how lost we think we are.

Author Chrissy Moon

Chrissy Moon considers both Los Angeles and Seattle her home.

A former wannabe linguist, her days are mostly spent caring for her sons, drinking too much espresso, yelling at terrible drivers, and listening to acapella music groups.

In addition to fiction, she also produces poetry.

More information about Chrissy and her recent projects can be found on

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