Finding Your Voice
by Megan Lowe
Finding your voice.
Your voice as a writer is probably the most important thing. This is how you’ll deliver your words to the world. But how do you develop it?
This isn’t going to be a lot of help, most of it is natural. A lot of writing is about what comes naturally. But you can develop what you’ve already got and here’s how.
Figure out what you want to write about.
Write about things you like, about what you’re interested in. There’s nothing worse than reading a book that is about something you love but the author clearly knows nothing about. So write about what you love, it’ll make the writing process so much easier. It also gives you an air of authenticity.
Write from your point of view.
There is only one you. You’ve heard it a million times but it’s true. There’s only one person who sees things from your point of view and that’s what we as readers, want. I don’t want to hear the same story being retold twenty-seven times. It gets boring. What I do want to hear is your interpretation of the story. It’s your uniqueness that’s going to sell you to publishers and readers alike.
Write what you want to write about.
Writing, like everything, has its phases and fads. It’s tempting to follow them. If that’s truly what you want to write about then go nuts. But if you’re writing something because you think you should or that that’s what people want to read, I’m telling you to stop. Don’t write something just because you think publishers want it. They might, but they’re also looking for the next big thing, and that could be you. You can tell when someone’s heart isn’t in something, don’t let it shine through in your writing. I mean, haven’t we had enough of writing what we’re told when we were in school? We’re adults, free to do as we choose, so write what you want.
Don’t be afraid.
Again, write what you want to write and don’t be afraid. You want to write about wizards and witches and things that go bump in the night? Go for it.
You want to write about whips and chains and red rooms of pain? GO do that too.
Writing is our chance to be free. Hell, you don’t even need to use your own name. This is your chance to live in a world of your creation, the way you want to. You’re in control of everything. How cool is that? So if your story is a little different, or your way of telling it is different, then go for it.
It’s so easy to get swept away when you’re writing. So easy to get caught up and lose who you are. Oh, fake fiancé romances are hot right now? I better write one because that’s obviously what publishers want right now. No, wrong. Sure, your book might sell, but is this what you really want to show the world? That you can sell a few books? Wouldn’t you rather be proud of a work you have poured your heart and soul over? And who’s to say that that book won’t sell? Yes, being published is the end game here but it’s not everything that matters. Writing is. Publishers want something different, something unique, something they can market the shit out of. Another fake fiancé book is likely to get lost in the crowd. But a book that totally throws everything on its head and is a breath of fresh air in a crowded market? There’s definitely room for that, and what’s more, it could be inside you right now!
So stay true and get writing!
Megan Lowe
Megan Lowe is a lost journalism graduate who after many painful years searching for a job in that field, decided if she couldn’t write news stories, she would start listening to the characters whispering stories to her and decided to write them down. She writes primarily New Adult/Contemporary Romance stories with Sport and Music themes
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