Awaken the Past
By Mary L. Ball
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Paperback Price: $6.47
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Everything Laurel believed about her childhood suddenly changed.
During her mother’s illness, Laurel discovers unsettling things from her past. She travels to the small town of Silver Springs, North Carolina to search for the truth.
Laurel arrives in town and senses people watching her every move. Even the easygoing police office Chad Wilkes gives her a cold shoulder.
With trouble following her, the Lord is the only one she can trust. Can she find the secret to the past and open her heart to more changes?
Author Mary L. Ball
Mary L. Ball is a multi-published Christian author. She resides in the heart of North Carolina.
When she isn't working on her latest story, she enjoys fishing, reading, and ministering in song with her husband.
Her books are about small-town romance, suspense, and mystery, influenced by the grace of Jesus Christ.
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