Price: FREE
05/19/2021 –
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Don’t we wish that there was a D-I-Y manual that came with parenting?
As most parents would testify, there is no self-help book, or course, or scientific journal that has been able to provide all the tips, pointers and wisdom needed on how to raise a child without a hitch!
For generations, it has been the pleasure of parents everywhere to perform the task of child-minding on a trial-and-error basis, with fingers crossed that the kids turn out okay.
This book is about understanding their behaviour, building strong relationships with them and preparing you both for the teenage years, it was inspired by the problem of – How do I raise my child with common sense and reason? More specifically, how do I raise my child who is now in the ‘Tween’ years – Those golden years before teenage-hood?
The Tween years is a special time of development for the child – Psychologically, mentally, physically and emotionally. This book is a very basic, layman’s attempt to provide some thoughts on what a reasonable parent may do when facing different issues with their Tween child. The book is not based on an expert perspective, be it scientific or psychological – But rather, on a common-sense parent-view that: Maybe these are the things I would do if I was facing XYZ problems with my Tween!
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