The Cause of Darkness- A Story of the Civil War

By John W. Bebout

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Paperback Price: $11.99

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'The Cause of Darkness' tells the story of Teddy Miller, a southern boy, during the final year of the Civil War. Teddy's father is imprisoned by Union Forces for espionage and this novel details the trip Teddy takes through the Shenandoah Valley trying to help the father he loves. The people Teddy encounters during this journey often surprise him with their humanity, while others take advantage of his youth an naiveté. Events that seem so black and white when we look back in history are presented in a more nuanced view–much like real life.
"An engrossing and intricate war tale with a rousing young hero…" – Kirkus Review

Author John W. Bebout

John W. Bebout is a poet who has been published in such literary magazines as 'The Esthetic Apostle,' 'The Paragon Press' and 'Horseshoes & Hand Grenades,' among others. 'The Cause of Darkness' is his first novel and, always a poet, he has started each chapter of the book with original prose or quotes, which give the book a lyrical quality rarely found in historical fiction.

In a former life, Bebout was a scientist who authored/coauthored more than two-dozen juried, technical articles. Bebout has lived in Virginia for more than 30 years. It is, he says, "A place where romance and adventure are as pervasive as honeysuckle growing on a fence line."

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