The Match Disaster

By Latesha Kellam

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This book is a story about a woman who found love after leaving a bad marriage. She thought her new relationship was good enough because she was getting treated better than she was in her marriage, but what she didn't realize was that her new relationship had just as many issues as the relationship she escaped from. Some of the issues were familiar and some of them were different. This book is about realizing you don't deserve to be treated good enough but you deserve to be treated great in a relationship.

Author Latesha Kellam

Latesha Kellam is an author who takes her life experiences and puts them into words that will inspire others. She wrote her first story at the age of 14, about the events surrounding the unexpected death of her father. During the current phase of her life, she has the desire to not only write inspiring books but to help people, especially woman, recognize when they are in dysfunctional relationships. She lives by the old adage, experience is the best teacher, therefore she takes events from her ownlife to inspire her writing.

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