The American Pearl

By Peter Gilboy

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Paperback Price: $22.00

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5 STARS! Why they still won't let her come home.
THE AMERICAN PEARL tells the 2006 story of QUINTYN AMES, a troubled government researcher who–on his honeymoon–inadvertently discovers that a female soldier left behind at the end of America's most notorious war, may be still alive and held.
PATRICIA PAVLIK has been fighting her own war for the last 34 years–fighting to stay alive and still trying to come home.
Both action filled and gut wrenching, AMES' pursuit of the truth brings him face-to-face with his own lies, as he is determined to find out why the government doesn't want her to come home; and then, against all odds, he fights to bring her back.

Author Peter Gilboy

Peter Gilboy is a former ditch digger, bartender, short order cook, soldier, counselor and academic. He has been in jail only once. Peter almost always takes his meds. He lives in upstate New York with his dog, Dollar.

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