FREE: Pre-diabetes: Your Second Chance at Health (2nd Edition) by Gretchen Scalpi, RD, CDE

Price: FREE
11/18/2016 – 11/20/2016

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A pre-diabetes diagnosis is a wake-up call and a call to action! The news that you have pre-diabetes should be taken seriously, yet many people who learn they have pre-diabetes take no action, and realize the negative consequences later. Even though pre-diabetes may have no apparent symptoms, anyone with this diagnosis should understand what this condition is, and what to do about it. The more you understand about pre-diabetes, the better you can take action to reverse it or minimize your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The information covered includes general information about pre-diabetes, such as symptoms and risk factors. You will learn how pre-diabetes is diagnosed, tips on managing pre-diabetes, how to start a weight loss plan, what to do about exercise, what you can eat, organizing your kitchen and pantry, how to manage dining out and much, much more. At the end of the e-book I will walk you through creating a weekly action plan to put everything in place. Along the way you'll receive helpful tips and links to resources.

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