FREE: Exposing The Ugly Truth by Debra Hargrove

Price: FREE
05/30/2015 – 06/03/2015

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God’s people don’t know what to do with evil and wickedness everywhere you turn. Exposing the Ugly Truth is based on my own life experiences, living on this earth, dealing with daily battles to the mind, body, spirit, and soul. The stories in this book will provide you encouragement needed to tackle the negative forces that will come your way.

Action is needed to stand up and stand firm on behalf of the Kingdom of the Light. Taking care of yourself must be a top priority. Feel better, look better, feel stronger, standing firm, confidence has increased, all is well, these are the many attributes you will discover after reading and applying the many biblical principles and famous quotes, this book will provide.

Applying the daily words of wisdom to your everyday life will create a new you. No more mysteries about why are ugly things are happening to God’s people. Shining the light on the works of darkness will set you free. Finally a better and clearer understanding of the negative activities going on in our daily lives.

Because we are the image of our Father in heaven, then we are to be treated with proper respect and honor. Now is the time to begin the journey to release the mysteries of Exposing the Ugly Truth.

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