Yoga For Beginners: A Simple Guide To A Slim Body, Stress Relief And Inner Peace

By Nicole Talbot

Kindle Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $10.00

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“Yoga For Beginners – A simple guide to a slim body, stress relief and inner peace (Includes Yoga poses)” contains proven steps and strategies on how to perform many yoga postures and techniques at home with no prior experience.

Every posture features a step-by step description with an accompanying photo and a list of related physical, mental and emotional benefits.

The book touches on the spiritual side of yoga but you can also use it as a practical guide to creating your own exercise program to help you reap all the amazing physical benefits.

Author Nicole Talbot

Hi everyone, my name is Nicole Talbot, I have been a student and teacher of yoga for 10 years. Based in Seattle, I run a small Yoga class 4 times a week. Yoga has been a big passion of mine and I enjoy teaching it and practising it regularly. I have Bachelor of Science, majoring in exercise science and wellness.
I wrote my book to share my passion and knowledge of yoga for the rest of the world.

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